Focal points such as this set a home apart

Posted by Toni Collins | News & Events, VR Artwork - Projects, VR Blog | No Comments


Exceptional wall art is within reach, thanks to the opening of an exciting new shop.


You don’t want your home to be just like everyone else’s, and you know individuality lies in the detail. So why not express your style and create a focal point with original art?


“Yeah right… easier said than done!”

may well be a thought crossing your mind about now…

Sourcing art for the walls involves a plethora of considerations, such as…

  • Where do I go to find wall art that does not look generic and well… just plain ordinary?
  • How do I know what type of visual is going to be ideal for my home and a reflection of my style?
  • And then there is size to think about… am I going to be asked, ‘what size did you have in mind?’ because, I have not thought about that.


Sheesh! There are so many things to think about!

So when it comes to finding wall art worthy of a place in your home, and not merely giving you some visual clutter, you could be forgiven for thinking it is a bit tricky…. and leave the task for another day.

It is true – here at Visual Resource we offer custom art solutions for all sorts of projects. For us, working together with people on the selection of an image, then preparing it to the custom size required, we get excited about that. That said, we also completely understand… sometimes you may not want to put in that sort of effort, you may be looking for fewer decisions, less complexity, and well… just a more streamlined, easier method.

And here it is! VR Art Prints: an easy access wall art option available from the VR SHOP.


When visiting the VR SHOP, here is what you will find:



We don’t expect you to wade through hundreds of mediocre artworks in search of a few gems. Instead, we have curated a unique selection of amazing images. The editing has been done to save you time. Only exceptional artworks make it into the VR Art Prints range.


VR ART PRINT Photography Wall Art LANEWAY ENCLAVE Melbourne by Michael Collins for Visual Resource

VR Art Print – Photography Wall Art featuring LANEWAY ENCLAVE. Photo art by Michael Collins.



VR Art Prints are not mass-produced poster prints. Instead, each piece is individually printed to give a luminosity and quality only found in authentic photography. The difference when compared to low cost generic art is remarkable.

The size of the print has been thought about also. No decision to be made. The size is a generous 91cm wide x 61cm high.



When you consider, VR Art Prints are the happy union of stunning creative images, and a superb photographic archival print – the asking price provides great value.

VR ART PRINT Photography Wall Art MELBOURNE 4 23 Skyline by Michael Collins for Visual Resource

VR Art Print – Photography Wall Art featuring MELBOURNE COLLECTION 4, # 23. By Michael Collins for Visual Resource.


So if we both agree, nothing short of extraordinary deserves to be hung on your walls: there are two possible avenues to take.



Let’s say your artwork will be going into a kitchen for a feature splashback, or a large format wall mural, for example. Visual Resource will prepare your artwork to the exact size required, on a finish we recommend to best suit your project. We will even consult with you to help you reach a final image selection from the VR Collections.

VR happily provide a high level of service to deliver you a custom solution.  In fact, this is the cornerstone of the Visual Resource offer and it will continue.

Over the years however, we have also come to recognise that sometimes your artwork requirements are simpler. You may not want (or need) to invest the time and energy a custom piece involves.  And so, here is an alternative.



A concise selection of captivating, unique VR images, combined with exceptional photographic printing: gives you a frame ready archival print.


  • Visit the VR Shop – anytime, anywhere
  • Select the VR Art Print you like
  • Place your order


You are now one giant leap closer to adding incredible art into your home. It’s that easy!


VR ART PRINT Photography Wall Art 02 LIQUID SCULPTURE NEUTRAL by Michael Collins for Visual Resource

VR Art Print – Photography Wall Art featuring 02 LIQUID SCULPTURE NEUTRAL. Art by Michael Collins


VR Art Glass wall art feature Melbourne Monochrome 22 photography art by Michael Collins

Example of a custom art piece from Visual Resource. Using the VR Art Glass finish, the artwork is sized to fit perfectly in the wall unit. VR image: Melbourne Mono # 22 with a slight Sepia Tone.


Enjoy art in the physical form – rather than just fleetingly on a screen

Posted by Toni Collins | VR Artwork - Projects, VR Blog | No Comments

We are surrounded, even bombarded with hundreds of images every day. We receive an abundance of visual stimulus from Facebook, TV and the Internet, even if we only see these visuals for a fleeting moment.

As a lovely contrast, it is calming, even restorative to slow things down and enjoy the physical experience of art. Imagine less volume of imagery, in place of something longer lasting and incredible.

Nothing compares to seeing something in person.  


The impact of art on your wall is not to be overlooked. Authentic photographic artworks deliver so many things, including:

  • Art creates an atmosphere
  •  Art can be exciting and inspiring
  •  Art can add further colour and character to your home
  •  Art can become a focal point for a room
  • “Art is like salt, pepper or chilli – it adds spice to life and encourages you to be inspired.”  Nicolia Monies – Jeweller – Copenhagen.


And by far, the most personal benefit is…

By adding your choice of art, you express your style while also setting your home apart.


To get you in the mood for selecting a new piece of astounding wall art, let’s consider two possible options.

Do I go bold and create an eye-catching focal point?


Do I go with more subtle design and tones to compliment the rest of the colour scheme? To blend in and be a team player…

Here are a few tips for you to consider, when making the decision for you and your home.



Tip 1.

If you have mostly neutral furnishings, they provide a ‘blank canvas’ if you like…

Your choice of artwork can create a contrast to the interior, instead of trying to match what is there now.

This gives you a free rein, as you can be guided by the artwork that moves you, regardless of its style, shape or colour palette.


Tip 2.

Once you have found the artwork that moves you, then you can draw inspiration from the artwork for items like cushions or vases to reflect some colours from your art. These ‘accents’ will serve to tie the room together.

Repeating colours within the artwork (accents), increases the artworks impact in the room.


Tip 3.

There is no end to the possible visual subject matter of art. It could be for example, a stunning Melbourne street scene, busting with life, character and colour. Like the ‘Street Art’ photographic artwork seen above.

Alternatively, you may like to make a splash with an abstract photo art: rich in colour along with a sense of movement in the design. For example, ‘Natures Shape # 4’ seen below.

Visual Resource Art Print Photographic Wall Art NATURES SHAPE 4

GOING BOLD. Instead of trying to match your interior, this option gives you free rein to select art that moves you. Art on the wall ‘Natures Shape # 4’



Then there is the second option…


Tip 1.

An alternative approach when selecting an artwork is to select a piece that matches or blends with your interior.

This involves selecting an artwork which combines colours, shapes, forms, and styles that are completely in unison with your interior.

This gives harmony where the artwork is a team player, rather than the star.


Tip 2.

Choices, choices! Don’t despair. There is no right or wrong when it comes to art. Having choice is not only inspiring – it is essential!


And for one last overarching tip, not specific to being bold or subtle…

As you look at art, you will know what you like. So trust yourself and go with your instincts. Your taste in art will be entirely personal, so why not choose something you love.

Art bought with your heart will never disappoint.


Visual Resource Art Print Photographic Wall Art LIQUID SCULPTURE NEUTRAL 01

BEING SUBTLE. Select an artwork in unison with your interior. The art will be a team player, rather than a star. Art on the wall ’01 Liquid Sculpture – Neutral’


Visual Resource Art Print Photographic Wall Art SHADOW PLAY 06

BEING SUBTLE. Art on the wall ‘Shadow Play 06’. Photographic artwork by Michael Collins.


Visual Resource enjoy art in the physical form not just on a small screen

Feeling bombarded by images? Keep in mind… Nothing compares to seeing something in person. And the impact of art on your wall is not to be overlooked.

One Home – Two Impressive VR Art Glass Features

Posted by Toni Collins | VR Art Glass - Projects, VR Artwork - Projects, VR Blog | No Comments

Within the one home are two very different art features. From the abstract grace of FIRE & ICE in the light filled kitchen upstairs, to the colourful CENTRE LANE street scene, adding character on an epic scale within the basement bar.


The selected artworks offer wonderful diversity: spanning from the Abstract, to the Modern Gallery.

VR Art Glass first featured in the kitchen. Delighted with the end result, homeowner Susie then looked for another area, where an artwork by Visual Resource could enhance the space. The basement bar & entertainment area provides family members a private retreat, where the addition of floor to ceiling sized photographic artwork, gives a welcome visual contrast to the sleek black surrounds of the bar.

Printed Glass VR Art Glass by Visual Resource Mural Sized Wall Art Melbourne street art photography

The home is grand in scale, calling for an equally impressive and engaging artwork for the entertaining area.


Finish: VR Art Glass.

View more photographic artworks like ‘Centre Lane’ by Michael Collins in the Melbourne Collection 2.

All works available exclusively from Visual Resource.


VR Art Glass printed kitchen splashback featuring FIRE & ICE by Visual Resource 3

Where it all began: FIRE & ICE VR Art Glass in the upstairs kitchen.

VR Art Glass printed kitchen splashback by Visual Resource.



VR ARTWORKS – anywhere you want them!

Posted by Toni Collins | VR Artwork - Projects | No Comments

As you peruse through the VR Galleries, pick out your favourite artwork and ask yourself…

‘where would this look great in my home or workspace?’

Perhaps you have a bathroom or kitchen project planned where a feature splashback will be just the thing to make your space unique – a reflection of your individual style.

Or… maybe now is the ideal time to fill that blank wall, crying out for some love.


Where ever you need the addition of art – it is possible!


For some inspiration to spark your creative ideas, here are two examples where VR Artworks have become welcome additions.

The first (pictured above): VR Art Glass featuring ‘Charcoal # 1’ from the Seasons Collection adds the finishing touch to a carefully renovated kitchen.  (More about this beautiful kitchen and the professional cake maker who enjoys working within it… in the new year.)

The second (pictured below): Wall Art to unify the colour scheme and enhance the ambience of a financial services workspace. The office enjoys numerous pieces selected from the ‘New Elements Collection’, each created using the premium ‘Urban Presentation’ finish. The addition of the artworks completes a new fit out and move to a larger, higher profile destination for this successful business.


Anywhere you can imagine the addition of stunning VR Artwork – we can assist with a recommended finish, perfect for the location. Let your imagination run wild.

VR Artwork Wall Art for Office Reception NEW ELEMENTS by Visual Resoruce

VR Artwork ’21 New Elements’ adds a warming addition to the reception area.


VR Artwork Wall Art for Office NEW ELEMENTS by Visual Resource

VR Artwork ’13 New Elements’. A welcome addition to a successful financial services workspace.


VR Artwork wall art by Visual Resource NEW ELEMENTS photo art by Michael Collins

VR Artwork ’13 New Elements’, created using the premium ‘Urban Presentation’ finish. VR wall art completes the new fit out.


Wall Art – reflecting the comfort of home

Posted by Toni Collins | VR Artwork - Projects, VR Blog | No Comments

The selection of artwork for the bedroom of this Elwood, Beach Road apartment reflects a playful juxtaposition of two worlds.

One: the heady pace of a busy professional working and living in the city.

Versus the calm, restorative effect a natural, rural landscape gives.


Born and raised in the country, the contrasting effect the artwork provides for the homeowner is both aesthetically and mentally pleasing.


Wall Art by Visual Resource - photo art by Michael Collins - Hanging Rock 2 reflection

VR Artwork – ‘Hanging Rock # 2’


The artwork featured in the character filled Elwood bedroom is VR Artwork ‘Hanging Rock # 2’ from the Classic Gallery. Finished using the ‘Urban Presentation’, which delivers optimum photographic detail and clarity. It is our most premium print finish.



  • High-gloss chromogenic photographic print
  • Adhered to a perfectly smooth metal substrate
  • High-gloss protective clear laminate to print surface


The finish is sleek and efficient in presentation while delivering the highest photographic image quality possible.

It is stunning!


VR Artwork - Photographic art by Michael Collins for Visual Resource - Juxtaposition Quote

The selection of artwork for the bedroom of this Elwood, Beach Road apartment reflects a playful juxtaposition of two worlds.





VR Artwork - Patterns Neutral # 17 - Photo Art by Michael Collins for Visual Resource

WALL ART – Be Inspired

Posted by Toni Collins | VR Artwork - Projects, VR Blog | No Comments

Do you have blank walls in need of some attention?

Look about… are there any bare walls around you? Maybe today’s the day – that wall has been blank for far too long.

The addition of art in your space is a chance to play and ‘accessorise’.   Accessories bring the finishing touches to a room; they make a space liveable, fun and provide the key to individuality.

Here are a few thought starters to help unleash your inner art buyer…



Forget ‘right or wrong’, ‘good or bad’ art. These judgments and criteria are not only completely subjective; thoughts along those lines will stifle and be unhelpful. Here is an alternative…

Your taste in art is entirely personal. Choose something you love!

Art bought with your heart will never disappoint.



Go bold and create a focal point.

  •  Your new artwork does not need to match the paint colour or furniture in your room.
  • If you have mostly neutral furnishings this provides a ‘blank canvas’ if you like… where you can be guided by the artwork that moves you, regardless of its style, shape or colour palette.
  • You may like to make a splash with an abstract photo art (for example): rich in colour along with a sense of movement in the design – adding interest and excitement.
  • Then… you can draw inspiration from the artwork, for items like cushions or vases to reflect some colours from your art. These ‘accents’ will serve to tie the room together.
  • Repeating colours within the artwork (accents), increases the artworks impact in the room.
Wall Art by Visual Resource - PAINTERLY No 12

Art = accessorising = the key to individuality. Abstract photo artwork – Painterly # 12. Creative & bold – the perfect focal point.


Or, choose subtle tones to complement your existing décor.

  • An alternative approach when selecting an artwork is to select a piece that blends with your interior – combining colours, shapes, forms and styles that are completely in unison with your interior. This gives harmony where the artwork is a team player, rather than the star.
  • Imagine photo art of a cityscape or landscape for example, finished in black & white or a sepia tone.
Photographic Artwork Mono by Visual Resource - Wall Art

Photo artwork ‘Landscape Mono 03’. The artwork blends with the tones and compliments the natural texture of the interior finishes.



The scale of the artwork in relation to the area it will be placed is worthy of some thought. Respected interior designer and stylist Shannon Fricke in her book ‘How to decorate’ counsels:

“An oversized canvas hung on a small wall does not make for a harmonious space, and nor does a tiny canvas on a large wall. When the scale is wrong, it doesn’t matter how beautiful the artwork is, the result won’t feel right.”        


Tips to help with the consideration of artwork size include:

  • A small piece of art may not work above a large piece of furniture. Use a bigger artwork!
  • The goal is to create balance.
  • If you have a huge wall running the length of your living area, avoid one small artwork. (It may give the impression of a postage stamp on your wall.)


The home pictured next is a prime example of a grand scale space, begging for a grand scale artwork.

VR Art Glass Printed Glass Wall Feature Melbourne Skyline Photo Art

VR Art Glass printed glass mural wall – ‘Melbourne Skyline # 7’ – Photo art by Michael Collins for Visual Resource.


TIP: a practical way to visualise and decide the right artwork size.

  • Make a template from paper to see how the size looks, within the space.
  • Cut out (brown) paper to the size you are thinking for the artwork. Stick this to the wall with masking tape.
  • Add more (brown) paper to increase the size (if needed), or cut away brown paper to reduce the size (if needed.)
  • Keep experimenting until you feel sure the size (of brown paper representing your artwork size) will suit the space.
  • It’s all about scale!
  • Measure the size of the (brown paper) template. Let VR know the size and VR can prepare a quote for you.


How can Visual Resource help?

All VR artworks are prepared to your custom requirements, including the finish and size. We will ask you, ‘what size would you like your finished artwork to be?’ The custom nature of VR artworks gives you great flexibility and the perfect art for your space.



  • One tip is to position your artwork so that the centre of the piece is at eye level.
  • 152cm off the floor level is an indication.



Yes it is true, an original photographic artwork from VR does cost more than a poster print from Ikea. But you are getting so much more for your money.

While it is a reality, we all have financial constraints and budgets to work within. Remember, if you find the perfect artwork – it is an investment. (Try to think long term, the price will be long forgotten while you enjoy looking at the artwork for years to come.)


Melbourne Wall Art - Photography by Michael Collins for Visual Resource

Cafe featuring various photo artworks from the Modern Gallery & Melbourne Collections. Finish: traditional black & white silver gelatin photographic prints.

Wall Art - Photography by Michael Collins for Visual Resource - Seasons Autumn No 18

VR artwork ‘Seasons Autumn # 18’, seen in the Classic Gallery


Try not to be restricted and restrained by your overall decorating scheme when choosing artwork. Instead – go for what you love. Vibrant, dynamic artwork can add interest and pop in an otherwise sedate interior scheme.

Relax and trust your instincts. If it helps… consider that the stakes are not as high as selecting a floor finish or the kitchen design. So be brave and save a blank wall today!

Photo Artwork by Visual Resource THE BOXERS Kings Cross Sydney

‘The Boxers’ photo artwork from the Kings Cross – Sydney Collection. While graphic and bold in visual content, the tones complement the decor.


Wake Up Your Walls: VR Art Glass featuring ‘Melbourne Skyline #7’

Posted by Toni Collins | VR Artwork - Projects, VR Blog | No Comments

Selecting a good artwork can become a major focal point for the room.

When it came to the vast, open plan design of this home…the grand scale artwork has become a focal point from first entry, to lounge, to dining and even from outside!

The wall the artwork occupies enjoys visibility from many vantage points – so it had to be worthy of its premium real estate. Homeowners selected an iconic image of Melbourne from the VR Melbourne Skyline Collection, captured by Photographer Michael Collins. Finished on glass, the VR Art Glass wall feature is every bit as impressive as its setting.

VR Art Glass Wall Feature Printed Glass Splashback

VR Art Glass: printed glass wall featuring iconic photographic artwork ‘Melbourne Skyline # 7’

The homeowners are convinced they found the perfect artwork and finish to compliment the home – both aesthetically and functionally. It’s ‘right’ for the home and people living in it, and they are simply delighted with the end result.

Sometimes a room needs a king hit of something…(especially a room visible from many vantage points within an open plan layout). Mural sized VR Art Glass certainly packs a punch, delivering the impressive and inspired feature the space was crying out for.

VR Art Glass by Visual Resource wall prior to installation

Engineers by profession – the homeowners purpose built the wall with a VR Art Glass feature in mind.

Can you imagine a modest sized canvas on this wall? The scale would be all-wrong and the art in danger of looking as relevant as a postage stamp. The grand scale of the wall called for a suitably grand scaled artwork, as much in visual content as in size.

The art you choose for your walls is one of the ways to make a space yours – the thing that ensures no two spaces will ever be alike – the thing that makes living in your home a pure joy!

VR Art Glass by Visual Resource Wall Art Installation In Action

While the end result may look effortless…these gentlemen would beg to differ! The hard work of installation. Check out the size of the panel !

VR Art Glass delivers above & beyond… wall art on a grand scale

Posted by Toni Collins | VR Art Glass - Projects, VR Artwork - Projects | No Comments

VR Art Glass: custom photo artwork printed on glass – commands attention while taking centre stage within a modern Rosebud home.

Often described as providing a feature within a kitchen, this home takes the potential of VR Art Glass to new heights.  The vast bulkhead delivered the perfect blank canvas to add an engaging, visually stunning piece of art.

The VR photo artwork Centre Lane gives the feeling of a slightly gritty yet vibrant Melbourne.  The movement of the city together with the invitation to sample our café culture – all evocatively on display in the grand kitchen setting of this home.

The original photo artwork created by Michael Collins for Visual Resource was filled with colour.  The homeowner had a particular vision for her artwork, so working collaboratively with VR the artwork was converted to black & white, and then some gentle pops of colour were reintroduced.  With a keen eye for balance, our client guided the creative direction of this piece sensitively and with great success.

VR ArtGlass Printed Glass Melbourne Streetscapes by Photographer Michael Collins

Taking the potential of VR Art Glass to a whole new level. Wall Art within the kitchen – so much more than just a splashback.

VRArtGlass Wall Art Melbourne Centre Lane photo artwork by Michael Collins

‘Centre Lane’ photographic artwork by Michael Collins – customised to meet the creative brief of the homeowner.


Of greatest importance – what does the homeowner think of the end result?

She wrote, “I am gobsmacked! Thanks for working with us to achieve this wonderful result.”

VR Art Glass Printed Glass Melbourne Installation Street Art Photography

To put into perspective the scale of this art piece… panels are as tall as the installers.